The Beginning

I have had an interest in photography since I was a little kid. I remember being on a family vacation when I was about 12 to the Western states in the United States and having my dad’s camera glued to my hand the entire trip. Yellow Stone, MT Rushmore, the Badlands… All captured with an old 35mm Pentax and an even older VHS-C camcorder.

All I wanted to do was take every bit of what I saw and bring it home with me. It’s funny, now that I reflect on it; I don’t have any idea where that film or VHS-C tape went. All that time spent behind the viewfinders and I have nothing to show for it. Although; I do have a love for the camera that I can trace back to that trip.

Custer State Park taken Sept 2020 in a spot where I first fell in love with the camera, almost 25 years later

Custer State Park taken Sept 2020 in a spot where I first fell in love with the camera, almost 25 years later


Illness and a Chang of life