Illness and a Chang of life

So in February of 2015 I passed out at work. I was working alone in a small optical store and started to feel my hand going numb. You know, that tingly feeling when you hit your elbow on the table. It was starting in my pinky and ring finer on my left hand, then traveled up my arm into my shoulder. The next thing I knew, I was sitting on the floor with my head between my knees waking up from what felt like a bad night out.

In my infinite wisdom I decided I needed to go home. Sounds good right? Well I drove myself… and I don’t remember any of it…

Skipping over several hours to where I am laying in a hospital bed, I can not move my legs, and the Dr is worried about breathing issues as the paralysis moved up my torso. Life as I had once knew it, was changing forever.

2015 Plasma Phoresis treatments

2015 Plasma Phoresis treatments


The Beginning